The majority of these photos were taken by my partner, Linda Rosenlof. She uses a NIKON D3000 and takes some amazing wildlife photos. Look at yessy.com for her photo gallery. I use a little Fuji
Finepix, which is great for what I need. I have been a video user for many years and have brought a new meaning to the word "footage". I keep forgetting to switch the video off so have lots of footage of my feet in many places all over the world. USA, Australia, Sweden, Africa!!! So if you see a pair of feet like the ones above, they are probably me, so no to worry, I forgot to switch off again.
Which is unusual as my brain seems to be switched off most of the time. I keep losing things, my brain was first. I lost my wallet 3 times in the last 6 months, Found it myself twice and the third time was in Disneyworld, where I left it on a ride. It was handed in, with nothing taken. Maybe Disney brings out the best in people, Thanks to the person who handed it over, my life was in there. Credit card, ID, It would have been easier to be born again than re apply for everything in there.